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Insuring Agreement

This is your China Medical Card Insurance policy and is the evidence of the

contract made between you and us (“Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong

Kong) Limited”). We will insure you during the Period of Insurance at the

terms set out in this Policy in return for your premium payment.

The Schedule, Policy jacket and any endorsements are part of the Policy. They

show which sections are in force and contain the details of your insurance.

Use the Schedule to find the sections you have insured and the applicable

limits or excesses. Read them carefully. You should also pay particular

attention to the conditions and exclusions in the Policy, which set out all the

circumstances in which a claim can be made.

The proposal and declaration made by you are incorporated in and form part

of the contract. You must notify us of any change of material information as

soon as possible since failure to do so could invalidate the Policy.

Part I – Definitions

Certain words in the Policy have specific meanings. These meanings are given

below. To help you identify these words, we have printed them in italics

throughout. The feminine gender mentioned in the Policy shall include also

the masculine.

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