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Please read this Policy carefully and ensures that it meets your


This Policy, the Schedule and any Memoranda thereon shall be read

together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific

meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or Schedule shall bear

such specific meaning wherever it may appear.

Insuring Agreement

1. The Proposal and the information provided by the Insured in connection

with the risk shall be incorporated into and form the basis of the


2. The Insured will pay the Premium specified in the Schedule.

3. Paofoong Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited ("Paofoong") will

provide insurance subject to the limits, terms, conditions and exclusions

of this Policy in respect of any insured event occurring during the

Period of Insurance.

4. The due observance and fulfilment of the terms, conditions and

endorsements of this Policy relating to anything to be done or not to be

done or to be complied with by the Insured; and the truth of the

contents and statements in the Proposal, shall be conditions precedent

to any liability of Paofoong under this Policy.

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