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Insuring Agreement

In consideration of the Insured having paid or agreed to pay to Paofoong

Insurance Company (Hong Kong) Limited (hereinafter called the Company)

the premium stated in the Schedule, The Company agrees subject to the

terms, conditions, provisions, exclusions and limits contained herein or

endorsed hereon that if during the period of insurance loss, destruction or

damage as described in Section I and/or Section II of this Policy shall occur,

the Company will indemnify the Insured as provided hereinafter.

Provided that the liability of the Company shall in no case exceed in respect

of each item the sum stated in the Schedule as insured in respect thereof or

in total the total sum insured by each Section or such other sum or sums

which may be substituted therefor by endorsement hereon or attached hereto

signed for or on behalf of the Company.

The Schedule, sections, specifications, memoranda, limits, exclusions,

conditions and clauses (if any) are to be read together as one contract

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