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We pride ourselves on our service which provides a prompt
and professional handling of claims. Claims
are dealt with by knowledgeable and helpful staff who are
able to discuss your claim, give you advice and
reassurance and ensure that it is handled in a fair and efficient manner.
Where a loss adjuster is appointed to deal with a claim
he/she will be required to
i) act impartially and
ii) deal with the claim in a courteous and professional manner.
We judge the performance of loss adjusters upon the
service they provide to customers.
So that you should not find a claims settlement reduced
under Special Provision 3 please remember to
advise us if the Seasonal Increase under Special Provision 1
proves insufficient to cover the rise in value
of your property.
The parties to this contract have the right to choose the
law that should apply. China Taiping proposes to
apply English law except for those customers who at
inception of the contract are domiciled.
i) in Scotland where Scots law will apply or
ii) in Northern Ireland where the law of Northern Ireland will apply.
In the absence of any written agreement to the contrary,
the appropriate law as detailed above will apply.